Overcome Claustrophobia Hypnosis

Overcome Claustrophobia Hypnosis

This hypnosis can help you to overcome the fear of enclosed spaces. Claustrophobia can be extremely limiting to your quality of living and your ability to relax. When you find yourself climbing countless flights of stairs instead of taking the lift or missing out on life adventures because of your phobia, this hypnosis for claustrophobia may be just the thing for you.

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Self-Hypnosis For Overcoming Claustrophobia

Do you feel panic-stricken when you are sitting in a room with closed doors? Do believe that something bad will happen to you while being confined to a small room? Is your constant avoidance of enclosed spaces a source of frustration to the people around you? This self-hypnosis downloads can help to alleviate the feeling of being trapped.

Feeling anxious when you are confined to an enclosed space can be an extremely uncomfortable experience. Some people go to great lengths to avoid enclosed spaces like lifts, crowded places, heavy traffic or caves. This requires planning and, at times, great sacrifice. If you believe that some type of harm will befall you while you are riding the subway or standing in a queue at a shopping mall, it can have a negative influence on you and the people that are close to you.

Claustrophobia is caused by negative beliefs that you have about your safety when you are unable to move around freely. These beliefs are formed by things that you experienced earlier in your life like getting stuck inside a small tunnel or broken elevator. The negative experiences are lodged into your mind where it controls your behavior and thoughts and, ultimately, results in unrealistic fears and beliefs.

This hypnosis for overcoming claustrophobia can help you to reverse these terrifying thoughts and assumptions that you have about being stuck in enclosed spaces. It can help you to realize that your fears are unfounded and that you are just as safe inside a small space as you are in open areas.

As You Relax And Listen Repeatedly To This Overcome Claustrophobia Hypnosis Download, You’ll Notice That:

  • You are doing less planning to avoid being inside limited spaces

  • You are finding it easier to be inside lifts, tunnels or locked rooms

  • You stop believing that bad things happen in small spaces

  • Your irrational fear of being inside an enclosed space disappears

When you overcame your claustrophobia, you’ll be able to take the lift at work, go to big concerts, do shark cage diving or drive through tunnels. Below are different programs that you can choose from today to help you overcome your claustrophobia.

What Do Customers Say About This Overcome Claustrophobia Hypnosis

"I have purchased many of Steve's products over the years. They are all wonderful and professionally produced. I always look forward to what he has to offer next. I recommend you give them a try!"
- Chris Johnson
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- Mike Besson, Former Vice President for Tony Robbins Breakthrough International
- Naphapach
"The tracks are excellent and easy to follow. They have allowed me to make changes in my own life and work with others to help them make changes in theirs. I highly recommend Steve's products."
- David Harbour, Austin, Texas
"Dr. Steve G. Jones and his programs have transformed my life by teaching me how to have power over the subconscious beliefs that have held me back in my life. His hypnosis tracks bring about rapid change. I highly recommend his work."
- Kay Whipple, Hilton, New York
"I am a practicing Hypnotherapist and Health & Wellbeing Coach. I have purchased many of your products and recommend them to my clients. I have found them to be of the finest quality in both content and standard of production."
- David Wade
"Steve G. Jones has helped me more in three weeks than I was helped with three YEARS of therapy. Thank you thank you THANK YOU"
- Katie Thomas, Santa Monica, CA
"I believe that pursuing my goals with Dr. Jones' method of instruction and self-help recordings was the best thing I've done. I'm sure that I will achieve my goal and hope that one day, I will be able to work by his side and learn from this exceptional leader. I wish Steve success in helping more people to achieve their goals."
- Alaleh Saidi, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
"I have purchased a number of your hypnosis MP3's, which I listen to on a regular basis. I find that they have helped and continue to do so as well as them being enjoyable to listen to. I am grateful for the opportunity of being able to express my gratitude to you, many thanks."
- Vivienne Brookes, Sydney, Australia
"I'm grateful to Dr. Steve G. Jones for his guidance as my mentor, coach and path finder. For anyone who wants to live a self-satisfied life, I am recommending them to get in touch with Dr. Jones."
- Alok Pal, Catalyst For Corporate & Individual Success (India)
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How Does Hypnosis Work In Treating Claustrophobia?

Hypnosis attempts to treat claustrophobia by making suggestions to the subconscious mind, replacing the unrealistic belief of potential danger with a realistic positive belief. Instead of believing that you will definitely die in this locked room, you may believe that even though it will take longer for you to get out of the room, you will eventually get out and you will be okay.

Your conscious mind is ignored during the hypnotherapy to keep it from interfering. This is done by putting you in a state of relaxation and making use of creative visualization techniques. You imagine yourself in an enclosed space and you see yourself as relaxed and calm. You also visualize yourself eventually getting out of the small space, unharmed and at peace. When this process is repeated, this relaxed and calm person in your visualization becomes your new reality. When it becomes a reality, fulfilling the role of a calm person gets easier.

In your subconscious mind, you may become this person in your mind’s eye. Actively and cognitively trying to convince yourself that there is no danger may not always work. With self-hypnosis, this process of transforming your thoughts and behavior happens when you are relaxed and it has a bigger chance of being successful.  

Learn How To Help Someone With Claustrophobia

In essence, claustrophobia is an anxiety disorder. There are many medicinal and therapeutic treatments out there that can benefit someone that gets panic attacks or who has a fear of being trapped. Self-hypnosis is the ideal treatment for anxiety disorders as it uses relaxation techniques. It has no negative side effects and it is affordable, unlike other forms of therapy or medication.

This self-hypnosis can be used in the privacy of your own home and at a time that is convenient and when there are no disturbances. It is a safe and natural way to alter the subjective belief system, without you ever giving up control over your mind and body.

This self-hypnosis can ultimately benefit someone with claustrophobia by helping them to effectively cope with their fear when they are confronted by it in their day-to-day activities. You may be able to simply climb in lifts, drive through tunnels or sit in meetings without any feelings of dread or fear.

Overcome Your Claustrophobia Today

Make a habit of listening to this self-hypnosis audio track every day before bed or after taking a hot bath or shower. Sit back and enjoy the relaxation that comes with it and you may just overcome your claustrophobia forever!

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